Sunday, 2 October 2011

Zomato - Ain't You a Sweet Potato Casserole!

The Top 3 things I like about Zomato!
  • Just love the slickness of the UI and the color palette used (which might probably have something to do with ketchup sounding name??) Hmmm... But Yumm!! :)
  • The new 'Events' (beta) feature is very welcome, wanted and desired. Sure, we all go out to gorge on our favourite dishes with friends or family. But, everybody wants to know "What's on today; or up this week?" So, while enjoying the food, we get to choose the kind of entertainment too - say a gig by a local band or a stand-up comedy routine or even watching that race red car that'll be scorching the Delhi tracks this month! And who wouldn't want to know about the madness of a Spanish festival (whose name has a strong connotation to the site I'm reviewing); or perhaps a Bavarian fair that celebrates beer and uhm... no, not Hasselhoff... but, eh well... the picture speaks for itself!

La Tomatina
  • The Zomato Crunch has got to be one of the best desi blogs out there (and their newsletter is even better). It's definitely my top pick in the 'food porn' category. Erudite, fun to read and informative, they've got the right dose and mix of topics. Definitely satiates one's appetite - even if you're on a diet.
  • Bonus: I have to mention the Android App. It is just too friggin' good. Love that shake feature for the random suggestion. 

What Next?!
  • A GrubWithUs like feature would help 20-something blokes like me to meet cool, new, awesome people! The new ex of Demi Moore found the idea so awesome, he invested in it. Zomato already has the restaurant network and the clout to pull in the celebrities and entrepreneurs. And more importantly, Zomato could just open the door for someone to have one of the best and most memorable meal of his/her life.
  • Real-time online restaurant reservations: I would very much like to book tables - either online or through the mobile app. It would also really help if this data is real-time and it could guesstimate the approximate waiting time. Here's why this will be a super cool feature - the IRCTC portal. Yup, that's right. People won't admit it, but there's a lot of thrill in not knowing whether you'll get the seats and the sheer excitement whilst hoping against hope is just too good an experience to miss out on.
  • Option to remove/edit outdated reviews: From a restaurateur's perspective, this is extremely relevant as it affects their business. Old reviews which bash up a eatery but for which sufficient amends have been made could be either archived or the reviewer could be given the option to edit the same. This might need some serious arse-on-the-chair time for the reviewers at Zomato to sort them out. But hey, it'll be totally worth it makes for better reviews - which is what the site is built on!

This post is with reference to the Zomato contest.

The images used in the site are not intended to infringe on any copyright.

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